Friday, January 29, 2010

Um yeah, it's kinda IMPORTANT!!

For anyone out there that thinks that running away from your problems, or holding them inside of you, is going to benefit you in any way, please...stop!

That is the worst thing in the world you could ever do! We were not made to handle things on our own. why do you think God created Eve? Because he knew that, one Adam would want a mate like the animals had, but also because if Adam would have been on earth all alone, he would have went crazy! People need people. It's just the way we were designed. And it's so easy to feel like no one will ever understand what we're going through, or the fact that you just might be so afraid of what might happen once you let go. But i can promise you, you'll be surprised who understands, and you'll be so relieved once you let it go. You'll never grow if you hold on to it.

So i encourage you, find someone, MATURE, who can really help you. Someone you trust and feel so safe around. Someone you know is going to give you the BEST advice, not what you WANT to hear, but what you NEED to hear. Take it. Embrace it. Accept it. Love it.



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