Friday, December 18, 2009

December 18, 2009

Mmmm Hello Doll.
Hope you've been doing good.

Thursday, December 3, 2009

Russian Roulette

Ok! So after thoroughly listening to Rihanna's song. I've come to the realization that it's NOT about suicide. When I listen to it, this is what I hear.

I hear a story about a girl, who's going through a lot of pain with a guy who's trying to tear her down. He's telling her to take a gun and kill herself, figuratively meaning to give up on life, to stop and to let him control her. But throughout the song she's talking about how afraid she is, and how much she really does want to give up, but at the end of the chorus she's saying "I'm terrified but I'm not leaving, know that I must pass this test, so just pull the trigger". She's saying "LOOK HERE! I'M SCARED, YEA, BUT I'M GONNA GET THROUGH THIS, I'M GONNA BE STRONGER THAN THIS, SO YOU KNOW WHAT? YOU CAN OFF URSELF CUZ I'M NOT GONNA GIVE UP"
And I think whoever wrote that song, is the BOMB. Because it's so deep and you really have to think to get it. It's a song of empowerment, not a song of suicide and hopelessness. Cuddos to her.
Get over him!