One thing I've noticed, and HATE online high school for, is making me anti-social. I really am, and that scares me because I've never been anti-social before. In regular school I was the girl everyone knew, I was COOL. But now, now I'm THIS! A computer screen taped to me face, and a chick on a keyboard typing 1000 miles per minute, socializing. So one may wonder, "Ok so if you're socializing, then how are you anti-social" WELL it's because I can do this (types all over the keyboard really fast) all day, but I can't do this (moves my mouth). I freeze up next to people, well...certain people. Now don't get me wrong, I am completely capable of getting over this at any point and time, and day. I can social with people, it's just that I don't.
-sighs- I keep telling myself to CALL people, but then it's like...what if they're busy and they can't talk?! OH MY GOODNESS! How lame am I?! That's an excuse to not do it. Ok. Tonight...I'm gonna call somebody.
But that was NOT why I made this post. I made this post because I have a crush on this guy and I think he likes this other girl -cries-. It's not fair. None of the guys I like ever like me. This is lame-cicles. But I guess that's life. Maybe I'm not cool enough, or cute enough, or BAM WAM SHALAM enough.
Or maybe they think I'm not social enough.
In all cases. I'll get over it I suppose.
Have a great day little pucketts.
Until again...